PAG is a private asset manager for institutional investors. We do not provide investment advice or services for individual retail investors. We do not solicit or contact individual investors via chat, text or social messaging applications.

PAG is a leading alternative investment firm focused on APAC with three core strategies: Credit & Markets, Private Equity, and Real Assets. We manage capital on behalf of nearly 300 institutional fund investors, including some of the most sophisticated global asset allocators. PAG has more than 370 investment professionals in 15 key offices globally, and over USD55 billion in assets under management.

Fast facts

USD55 billion
in assets under management
USD110 billion
invested across Asia and beyond
investment professionals across the region and worldwide

Sustainability and impact


PAG invests in a socially responsible way to maximize returns for our investors while minimizing risks. We take an integrated, analytical approach to ESG issues to achieve positive impact on our investments and create sustainable, long-term value. Learn more about how we apply ESG factors across all our strategies and investments. more


February 3rd, 2025

Interview: PAG's Chris Gradel on Real Estate Lending in the World's Most Diverse Market

In a keynote interview with PERE, Chris Gradel, CEO and Co-founder of PAG, shares his views on why real estate lending in Asia-Pacific offers some of the region's most promising opportunities for investors,…

January 13, 2025

PAG acquires a majority stake in Pravesha Industries

PAG, a leading Asia Pacific-focused private equity investment firm, today announced that it has acquired a majority stake in Pravesha Industries Private Limited, one of the leading packaging companies…

December 23, 2024

PAG acquires NashTech, a subsidiary of Nash Squared

Nash Squared, the leading global provider of technology and talent solutions, and PAG, a leading Asia Pacific focused alternative investment firm, today jointly announced the acquisition of 100% of NashTech…

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